Laevastiku 3C, Tallinn, Estonia
Catalog shop
Choose your dyno stand and check it details, photos and make order.
Comparison DYNOMAX
1500i 2wd inertial
1500brd 2wd braked
4000brd 4wd braked
4000brd pro 4wd braked
5000brd 4wd braked
5000brd pro 4wd braked
Model / type
2WD, Inertial
2WD, Braked
4WD, Braked, Synchronized
4WD, Braked, Synchronized
4WD, Braked, Synchronized
4WD, Braked, Synchronized
4WD, Braked, Synchronized
Dimensions (L x W)
1200 x 3600 mm
1200 x 3000 mm
4000 x 3600 mm
4000 x 3600 mm
4000 x 3600 mm
4000 x 3600 mm
3865 x 5240 mm
Wheelbase min/max
2200/900 mm
2200/900 mm
3300/2250 mm
3300/2250 mm
3300/2250 mm
3300/2250 mm
Min/Max Track
Weight on Axle
3 000 kg
3 000 kg
up to 3 000 kg
up to 3 000 kg
up to 3 000 kg
up to 3 000 kg
up to 3 000 kg

Contact us

Please, call us, write us a letter or contact through the contact form below – we’ll answer you asap and will find exact solution for your business with the best price you can find on the market!